Now In-Network with CHI Health!
Sick Policy:
Please help us keep your children and our staff healthy. In order to maximize health and wellness, please note the following policies followed at SWS!
Children with symptoms of the following should not attend therapy:
-Severe cold or flu symptoms
-fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit
-any type of rash, especially accompanied by a fever
-pink eye/conjunctivitis
-chicken pox/measles/mumps
-strep throat
-fifth's disease
-hand, foot & mouth
-whooping cough
All sick kids will be required to stay at home until symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours. In certain cases, a doctor's prescription to return to therapy may be required. It is the responsibility of the parent to disclose any illness or disease to SWS so that necessary precautions are taken in a timely fashion. when in doubt about your child's health, please call your pediatrician for medical guidance. Regarding your child's attendance for therapy, please contact the office. Your cooperation with the policy is greatly appreciated.
Resources: centers for disease control and prevention
1-800-cdc-info (800-232-4636)
Our clinics will be open during any school closings due to inclement weather. We will contact you if for any reason your therapist is unavailable. Please inform us if you need to reschedule your appointment. Thank you.